How to clean tile grout in your bathroom

Cleaning bathroom tile grout can be one of those daunting jobs you put off for months (or even years!). So we partnered with Atlas Ceramics, who, with 30 years of experience in the industry, have offered some hints & tips on how to clean grout in your bathroom and keep your tiles looking their best.

How to clean tiles

Homemade cleaners

There are plenty of off-the-shelf products to help you clean grout. Some swear by vinegar and baking soda, so it's worth considering as a starting point, as it uses inexpensive materials and is easy to create at home. When removing mould, ensure the area is well-ventilated during cleaning and for a couple of hours afterwards.

Natural cleaning solutions, such as vinegar, should be safe for all tile and coloured grouts, as you won't have to worry about fading. However, with shop-bought cleaning solutions and bleach, it's best first to check whether it's safe to use on your chosen tiles/grout.

For tougher stains and mould, apply a mix of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Again, it's essential to wear protective clothing. Thoroughly wash away the vinegar solution with warm water before applying the new mixture and never mix it in the same container - hydrogen peroxide and vinegar create a harmful acid.

Spray the mixture onto stubborn stains, let it sit for a few minutes, and then continue working it with a stiff, bristled brush. Ensure you rinse this mixture away thoroughly with warm water.

Maintenance & prevention


The most significant cause of a build-up of mildew and mould is dampness. Grout might be excellent for securing tiles on the wall, but it is straightforward for water to get in beneath it and create problems.

One of the best ways to maintain grout quality in your bathroom is to keep the room well-ventilated. Use an extractor fan or keep the window open after showers and baths to dry the space quickly and eliminate any steam. Spend a bit of cleaning when stains show, and you will make the most out of the grout in your bathroom. It's easier to maintain and prevent problems than to remove and replace the tile grout or sealant. 

If you've decided to refresh your bathroom, why not use Weber tile grout? It is mould resistant when used with Weber Bond It and is also suitable for areas that will be dry or intermittently wet and is available in a range of colours.